Hey there! How are you? Thanks for voting on "Letters To God", I hope you still enjoy it! :3
P.S. Oh my god! I just read your bio and you're so cute! :D
Why, hello there! You're welcome; and I still enjoy reading it so please don't stop updating. Your work is a breath of fresh air. Keep the letters coming. Have a great day! ❤
See, I told you it will be worth your while. Haha. Ang Ganda ng chemistry between Bill Pullman and Sandra Bullock, right? At wala ng tatalo pa Kay Joe Jr. You're welcome! Wala yun. ❤
"You're like New York City. Popular. Beautiful. Loved by many. And then I'm just another clueless tourist hoping to see you one day." — Handwritten, KC Sparks ♥
Watch out for my upcoming Short Story, "Handwritten". Have a great day! xx