
Coming back to this account for a minute to tell you guys that I'm still willing to rp on my other account, you'll just have to send me a message through DMs to @snadstorm
          	Any kind of rp is welcome, I've gotten back into it lately and now I seek more engagement. This is one place that I know I can get it.


Coming back to this account for a minute to tell you guys that I'm still willing to rp on my other account, you'll just have to send me a message through DMs to @snadstorm
          Any kind of rp is welcome, I've gotten back into it lately and now I seek more engagement. This is one place that I know I can get it.


This is my final night on this account, so after today I will no longer be responding to anything here. Remember that if you want to contact me, for any reason, just go find my other account, @snadstorm 
          More details in my previous announcements.
          That's all, folks. The king of roleplay is king no more. And although you probably won't be seeing much from me, just know that I'm still out there and doing well.
          Good night, and goodbye.


In case y'all haven't noticed, my activity on this account has been steadily dwindling, so I'm just going to give it a final closure so that I don't leave any false promises.
          Sometime in the next week or two, I'm going to be moving all of my activity to my other Wattpad account, which I will have linked in my description. This account with not be deleted, so you'll still be able to see my works and all, I just won't be logged in. So if you ever want to talk, for any reason, just head on over and DM my other account. Also on that account you'll find more of my stories and such, and maybe you'll enjoy them. Who knows. 
          Regardless, I just wanted to make this announcement so that everyone is aware of the situation. I'll be ceasing most of my current roleplays, unless I tell you personally, and will not be starting any new ones. If you want to roleplay, go ahead and DM my other account. Just keep in mind that the account is not roleplay-oriented, so everything will take place in DMs, and I'm not going to be nearly as active as I was on here.
          This is just a warning, by the way, so for the next week or two I'll still be active here, just for some closure. But I just thought I would let you all know in advance so it doesn't seem like I suddenly vanished without any reason, which I have unfortunately seen a lot of on this platform. If you have any questions, please, ask away.
          Have a good weekend.


Hello, my friend. I just want to say hello, and that yes, I am alive and well. I apologize for not being online in the past... while. I'm not going to be on Wattpad any longer. It was consuming me in a way, and I didn't even realize it. So... I just wanted to say that I won't be replying to anything anywhere any longer. I'm sorry. My reasons I'm keeping to myself. Please note that it was the cause of no one but myself. I apologize sincerely for leaving without any sort of notice. I decided to leave Wattpad for a few weeks and found myself much happier without it. I know this sounds twisted, but it's the truth. Anyway... I got back online for a few minutes to type this message. I will not reply anywhere from here on. Goodbye :)


Oh yeah, this is from when I left Wattpad


@RequestTheSalt That's alright, I get it. A lot of people don't know when's the right time to change, so I congratulate you in doing so. Goodbye, and I wish you the best.
            And I'll always be here, if you ever wanna say hi.