a small token of kindness (28th July 2021)
the moon along with its faithful shadows serves the night any form deemed appreciable. and it does so in a variety of shapes- as though it is the sea of the sky- and its shapes the waves of water.
a day you shall remember it running wild from one end of the canvas to another and the next, you will find it congest itself all together as if the night had warned it from further exploration of the land.
by the same token, the sun explores its vicinity and in accordance with the highs and the lows, adapts itself to the moods.
they together, despite changing round the clock, have not complete knowledge of each of their phases.
just as much as you and i.
this world is strange- like a forgotten land of glory- and all of the dwellers strangers- the tales of fervent shades; sometimes numb like the shore of the ocean that barely tingles your toes and other times archaic like the wrinkles of the sky that appear ageless.
in this state of peculiarity, you are sporadically an absence. you may be present undoubtedly but you are also not.
what needs must is the determination to rise and dive both within the strangeness of this space and your own self.
inorder to survive a maze, you must memorize all of its possibilities.
and you too are no less.
you need to work upon who you are in such a manner that the earth finds you irreproachable; a symbolic companion for its odd surface.
and in order to escape this bizarre and queer journey, like the sun and the moon, you too must embrace all your phases- like the one of tragic hope and the missed fairy-tale or the one of hidden song of a memory and the shadow of the mystical that you had kept away.
you must memorize yourself, therefore, in all forms, before the world plants you away as nothing but an old mortal; a thing of fragmentary bones.