So I have decided to join the Nanowrimo. So I will be starting a new story writing it by hand. So all current stories will be on temporary hold until after November. So let's hope I can finish this one! Wish me luck!
so I have a story that's in my head that keeps stalling all thoughts of Noah and Carmen's story and I will be traveling for a month so no updates as of July 22. hopefully I get inspired and finish one of these stories. writers block sucks.
I am so sorry I haven't been updating! My sister kidnapped my laptop to watch Grimm. I am trying to write the story in my note book but I still need my laptop. btw wow Grimm is amazing!!!
Hey Guys!
I know i have been MIA but this month has been hectic between work and my mom. I am not sure if I mentioned it before but my mom has been very sick so my sister and I have been using any spare time to help around the house and take care of her. I am already working on the next chapter and will try to get up some time this week.
BTW has any one read The Wilde Women of Ascot Series by littlelo? if not you should awesome historical Fiction.