
I'm going to start writing a professional book called Murdoc's Gangstalicious Man Bag! It will be kind of silly but fun! It will have references from the Gorillaz, the Boondocks, Criminal Case games, and some Beastie Boys.


I think something might be stuck in my foot. Goddamit. 14 years of luck while walking barefoot and now I can't walk. I am so pissed


They know what makes you human.


Alternates are coming for you


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Hola I'm back already!! I'm kind of giving up on my last tests at school and I am bored so I just got on my phone and I'm going to try to write again bc I want to be good at writing. I kind of hate my life right now bc everyone is my family is an asshole and doesn't care about me and now one of my friends is harassing me even though I have been friends with him for 3 years and I kind of hate hi too and I wish I could talk to somebody and I also feel like killing everyone at school


Hi!! I’m sooo sorry to hear that :,(
            May is tough during the school year. I feel your pain.
            Anyways, I’m glad you’re back :3


this message may be offensive
Hello all my friends and family I am leaving the internet probably until the end of school for I have lots of shit to do for my last test and I just really feel bummish. I might be back around may 23 my last day of school is may 26


Sorry about that. Hope you’re able to get through all of that. Good luck! 


Lulu I found your account 


You’re the kid who sucks tobacco and eats burned Brussels sprouts leaves