this message may be offensive
So... It's been a very, very, v e r y long time since I've last been active and honestly, how has it been THREE YEARS (at least that's what my activity board says)???? But I'm back and alive and well (or at least as well as the circumstances allow it) with something in store for you. It's another story with a couple of chapters finished already, though they probably need more editing before they can be published. There are even other ideas floating in that brain of mine but we'll see if they'll ever get the chance to be set free.
If you happen to be interested in what has been going on all this time and why I've been inactive for so long, here's what I can tell you: I honestly don't know why I stopped being active in the first place. Maybe I forgot the password and only remembered again now or maybe I've been in a difficult state of mind. Maybe it was just stress and I'd had set my priorities, but who knows. For the last year and a half it was definitely setting school as my priority because I'm in the middle of graduating and there have been other things that kept me away from here. Right now there's nothing much for me to do because the last two (oral) exams are in about three weeks and I don't have to study for them yet. We also don't have any school right now so I'm incredibly bored; who could've known that one would miss school, the house of hell.
Anyway, if you've reached this point in this way too long message, congratulations! It probably means you remember me or there's just something tickling your brain. Maybe you don't remember me and just think what a fucking idiot and who the fuck I am but oh well.
I can't believe I'm doing this again omg. Bye bye