
promise i’ll get something new posted on the just larry book & edit the old ones within the next month or so! i’m working really hard on it :)) xx


hello anybody who reads my stories :))) i know i haven’t updated anything in like well over a year (oops) which i’m very sorry about :( but it doesn’t mean i haven’t been writing the whole time! i have a very short attention span and i can be working on a story for days and then suddenly think of another idea and spend all of my time on that instead and the cycle starts again. this means that i have over 100 drafts in my ‘just larry’ short stories book which are all incomplete (some more than others) but i’ve recently had a message asking if i even wrote anymore and i realised i should probably start trying to commit to one story at a time and actually get something published haha :)) just thought i’d do a quick update on the situation for anyone who’s interested & hopefully i’ll see you soon x