I worked on some original projects lately which is why I was so bad with releasing new chapters for my fanfictions. And it's finally happening, I'm going to release my very first book series on Amazon. I have to wait 72 hours before it's ready for release. What is it about?
Well I created and am still creating and working on my very own Superhero Universe. The first book is about Shadowstrike, one of my heroes. After living on the streets and being known as a thief and working for the Phantom Syndicate, a criminal organization, she will face a lot of challenges and has to find her way to turn into a hero instead of a criminal. Check out my insta "@thelucyaddams" for more info and updates.
I will still write fanfiction. Chapters for "I just want you to be happy", "Im Bann des blauen Feuers", and my Scarlett/Nat oneshots will come soon!