
Hi, Hi! I need story ideas for FNAF One shots and Little BNHA. If any of you guys have ideas, please let me know!


Hello everyone! I apologize for disappearing yet again. I ran into some mental health complications that led to an undesirable situation. I'm ok now and will do my best to update more to make up for te two weeks I missed, but I'm off on weekends. Thank you guys so much for your support! Y'all rock!


Hi every one! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I just started again last Tuesday. I was dealing with some mental health-related things, but I'm ok now. I will do my best to update and will explain myself when I don't. Happy to be back! Love you!


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Idk if this is Zeke I met at Pysc Ward but if it is then Hi! I met Zeke the day before I left? I actually can’t fucking remember. Anyways he wanted me to tell you that he is fine and he’s at a pysc ward for right now. Hopefully this is Zeke from where I was :)


@lxnly_person What's your name? If you don't mind, and which hospital?