
Totally forgot to make an announcement but Chapter 6 is here finally! Titled, "The Find".


If you got notified about chapters being published, it was just edits of the recent ones! But Chapter 5 is being worked on and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with finishing it. My schedule has been out of tune these past couple months so my writing routine has been WACK and progress has been slow, but I'm making headway little by little.


So for the past month or so, my sister in law (@raykayjae) and I got inspired to finally do a collaboration together since it's something we've wanted to do for some time. 
          We both are complete NERDS for historical fiction/mythology and archeology and we really love the genre. We are OBSESSED with Tomb Raider (long live Queen Alicia Vikander, in all her majesty and perfectly sculpted abs and back muscles) and have played all the games together and listen to the soundtrack like cultic worshipers.
           So she and I have been delving into and creating a story inspired from the genre of stuff like Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones, while taking character inspiration from a few other things such as Legend of Tarzan and Pirates of the Caribbean....
          "Lourde & Knight" is this story, and I've published the first piece today. Hope you enjoy!






I just get so many notifs cuz I’m so popular n stuff. Cough


Okay so I finally finished The Sanctum pt 2. It may feel a little abrupt and rushed to an ending, but it's on purpose lol. I really wanted to just get past this part of the story so I can move on with everything else so I chose to spend less time on developing it.
           You'll notice there's areas in my writing that take its time to go in depth with the details or characters and there's areas where its like a summary of what's happening and it's all stapled together really blunt and uninteresting or just completely unorthodox. I do this to keep the focus and development on what's significant to the overall story and to keep myself progressing through it instead of taking A THOUSAND YEARS to write one scene that has very little to do with the key characters and plot.
          If I feel the need to take more time and explain more in those patches, then I'll go back and fill in. But right now my priority is to just get the story out there and ground the characters.
          Hope you enjoy!


I'M SORRY. I'VE BEEN A TERRIBLE WRITER LATELY. Just published an edit to the last bit of my most recent chapter and that's all. So I apologize, I've totally been slacking in making progress with this story, it just hasn't been a priority to me for the last few weeks but I'm thinking I'll carve out just a little bit of time each day to make whatever progress I can. Hate to leave people hanging.
           But otherwise what are your thoughts so far? What are your questions? Where do you think the story is going with what you know so far? I know there's not much to go off of, but I'm just curious!


I've just published my latest chapter, even though it's not finished.
           I realized I had been rushing to get it to where I wanted before publishing it, and was compromising the direction it needed to go. So--to take my self imposed pressure off--I've just gone ahead and published it anyways and will update the chapter until it's finished! 
          Hope you enjoy!


I’ve got an update coming soon to Havenward! Been held up on finding a good stopping place to publish so these chapters don’t get too big   . 
          Please let me know if you feel like they’re either too long or too short. 3,000+ words for a chapter seems like an overhaul of content for one sitting but you are the reader so let me know  


What about 6,000 words? 


I don’t think 3,000 words is too bad. Especially if they all belong together in one chapter :)