
by try, I totally meant I was already working on it tbh


          If you're looking for a Marvel fic to read, pls check out mine-it starts with Peter Parker waking up a week in the past after getting snapped to dust.

          I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a shot!



Hello! I was wondering if you would like to look at my new published book entitled "Civil War"! It was my first ever book with writing since I was trying out literature, and maybe you can comment your opinions about it and it would help me a lot! I'm currently still on the editing process, but the description and prologue and intro are already out, but the other parts will be up soon! 
          Here's the link just in case you need it:
          Thank you so much! Bless
          - Ken


Hey guys it is jess here,
          I know we've been inactive lately and I can't speak for the others but I'm at part of the year where things begin to get a little insane and a lot of homework.
           I will try to post something soon, I already have a story I wanna look out!