
spidermans my mans he coming backkkkkkkkkkk


alrighty! i know its been quite a while, a very long while, but i am back and im hoping to continue where i left off. i missed you all so very much! the time off was helpful though, im not perfect yet but it definitely has cleared a good amount of my thoughts :)  ill try to get back to writing and reading, and would always be down for a chat whenever you need me! 
          i hope you all have a lovely day!! <3


@siren-philocalies thank you! it's nice to be back :D


So many things to say, so few words that come to mind. I want to say thank you to everyone here who has been such a great help to me. Whether you’ve been a close friend who’s always down for a convo, or someone I’ve simply passed by in a comment section and had a great laugh with. If you’ve read my stories, or just taken a peek, I hope you could enjoy it a bit. Writing brought me here, and there’s so many stories that I have found and never knew I would need so much, I hope my writing can bring happiness to some people, and I hope it can return the gift it’s given me forever. Ahh yes this turned into a strange rant once more, anywayssss. I hate to say it, especially since I’ve already been so offline, but I do need this account to take a real break. I need some time to get my whole life back together in a way ig, but I don’t want to give up on my stories, so I’ll try my best to get ready and bring even more books when I’m back. It may take me quite a bit of time, I’m sorry. But I hope you will all stay safe and healthy, and that your days will be for the better! ❤️❤️❤️


@siren-philocalies and my reply is late as well, but i must thank you for always understanding, im so very grateful for it gravity! <33


@themasqueradesinger I'm late, very late, but I hope you can sort your life out the best you can :) <3


Lol I've been so offline these days too


@themasqueradesinger It's fine!! Things take time and I get that :)


@siren-philocalies my replies are so late gravity, I’m sorry. I wish I could change things a bit so that it would all work out better, but for now I don’t think I can. It’s always understood when one needs to take more and more time off from here, family friends and school situations tend to be my biggest reasons lol.


          You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy.
          Write this on everyone's message board who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          1 back= you are loved
          3 back= you are popular
          5 back= you are the most lovable person out there
          9= wow I'm jealous