So many things to say, so few words that come to mind. I want to say thank you to everyone here who has been such a great help to me. Whether you’ve been a close friend who’s always down for a convo, or someone I’ve simply passed by in a comment section and had a great laugh with. If you’ve read my stories, or just taken a peek, I hope you could enjoy it a bit. Writing brought me here, and there’s so many stories that I have found and never knew I would need so much, I hope my writing can bring happiness to some people, and I hope it can return the gift it’s given me forever. Ahh yes this turned into a strange rant once more, anywayssss. I hate to say it, especially since I’ve already been so offline, but I do need this account to take a real break. I need some time to get my whole life back together in a way ig, but I don’t want to give up on my stories, so I’ll try my best to get ready and bring even more books when I’m back. It may take me quite a bit of time, I’m sorry. But I hope you will all stay safe and healthy, and that your days will be for the better! ❤️❤️❤️