
I'm not going to sugar code it. It's been a long time since I've written Mentalist fanfiction and I'm going to need someone to help me write. I have the ideas but haven't written in so long that my writing skills are rusty


@thementalistgirl ok so let's make our return be an epic jisbon story.  I'm all about hurt/comfort so something BIG needs to happen to Patrick all while Lisbon is pregnant and then of course danger is around.  What do you think I'm excited


@janesbiotch of course! Thank you so much for even replying, it's nice to know someone is sweet enough to help.


I'm not going to sugar code it. It's been a long time since I've written Mentalist fanfiction and I'm going to need someone to help me write. I have the ideas but haven't written in so long that my writing skills are rusty


@thementalistgirl ok so let's make our return be an epic jisbon story.  I'm all about hurt/comfort so something BIG needs to happen to Patrick all while Lisbon is pregnant and then of course danger is around.  What do you think I'm excited


@janesbiotch of course! Thank you so much for even replying, it's nice to know someone is sweet enough to help.


Ask the author : )
          So I've seen people do this and I feel like it's a great way to interact with fellow readers and writers! So we'll try this out and if you have any questions then just message me! I'll post the question but keep you anonymous and also answer to the best of my ability. all of the posts w/ answers will be in a chapter in the book Ask the author


Is anyone out there still into the Mentalist? Is it just me now?


@ thementalistgirl  NO absolutely not just you


@thementalistgirl no its not just you, I will always love the mentalist.