Bellatrix stormed through the Slytherin dorms, anger blazing in her dark eyes. Ignoring the looks from the other student's, the raven haired witch had one thought running through her mind. Reaching her destination, Bella slammed her boot against Andromeda's dorm room door. "I swear to Merlin, Andromeda, if you don't open this door I'm going to blast it down!" She bellowed, black curls bouncing furiously around her head. "You're in so much trouble, Andy! Open the bloody door!" She yelled, banging her fist against the wood.

Her dark eyes narrowed, rage rolling off the witch in waves. "Don't play dumb with me Andy. You know exactly what I'm talking about." She snapped, throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation. "You know damn well that Adolph never listens to gossip. And this has nothing to do with Skeeter." She growled, clenching her teeth together rather hard. Bellatrix trusted Adolph with her life, she believed every word that left his mouth because she knew he would always tell her the truth. "Lying will only get you hurt, Andy." She warned menacingly. While the two of them may be sisters, Bella wanted nothing more than to slap some sense into her.

Andromeda narrowed her eyes. “I have no clue what your talking about.” She said as she turned to face her older sister. “Adolph, tends to stick his head in the gossip now doesn’t he?” She hummed. “You know Rita Skeeter will do anything to ruin anyone’s last name!” She said making up valid points. The brunette had been waiting for this moment keeping her excuses and valid points running through her mind fresh.

Bellatrix had been preparing to kick the door once again when it opened, revealing her younger sister. Ignoring her remarks, Bella pushed past her sister into the room, anger rolling off of her in waves. "Your next class and your nap can wait." She snapped, folding her arms tightly across her chest to prevent herself fro lashing out at her sister. She hesitated then, trying to put her thoughts in order. Shaking her head slightly, the raven haired witch decided it was best to face this situation head on. "I can't believe you Andy! A Mudblood? Really? What is wrong with you!" She growled, taking a menacing step forwards. "Oh but that's not even the worst part. I have to find from Adolph about your little crush." When her friend had approached her early in the day, talking about how her younger sister had developed feelings for a muddy, Bella had been furious. It had taken her a few hour to calm herself down enough so she could attempt to hold a civil conversation with Andromeda.

//anyone up to roleplay...?

The dark haired wizard had finished Quidditch practice for the day. The showers weren't crowded, most of the other players having already finished and left, leaving him there by himself. With still damp hair, Adolph left the showers, making his way slowly out towards the main corridor of the school, not paying too much attention to where he was going.

"Then how in the name of Merlin do you think they're going to be bad?!" he exploded. "You could be lucky to end up with someone rather good. If I know your parents, and I do, do you really think they'd just marry you off to anyone? You're willing to throw away everything for some piece of filth that has nothing Andromeda. Do yourself a favour, and think about it for a moment."

Andromeda hummed and shakes her head. “No. Not really.” She hummed. She turned in his hold to look at him in the eyes. “They haven’t really talked about it...”

He reached out, grabbing hold of her arm, though he made sure it wouldn't leave a mark. "Black, do you even know who they have picked out for you?" he asked her, not about to release her just yet in case she did continue walking.

leave starters here, please ⬇️

It seemed that nightfall was never very kind to Narcissa, most especially when she had something troubling on her mind. The young blonde had always been horrible at sleeping alone, spending most of her childhood curled up beside Bellatrix or Andromeda, something she rarely cared to admit. However, if there was one thing Narcissa knew, it was that her elder sisters' embraces never failed to make her feel at home, and although she was nearing adulthood by then, she couldn't help but give in to old ways. Sneaking through the corridors and into Andromeda's dorm room, Narcissa tip-toed all the way over to her sister's bed, leaning in closely to whisper, "Andy, are you awake?"

Andromeda shrugged, “Don’t worry Cissy. I’ll always have time to talk to you, after school..” Andromeda said softly, deep down she knows after school Narcissa will hate her like the rest of her family, the secret she kept from them his not one that she should have.

Narcissa hummed in recognition, closing her eyes for a moment. "I miss the old times, when I used to talk to you and Bella everyday," she confessed, her eyes still closed. "You both are nearly done with Hogwarts, and then you'll be off, probably marrying young bachelors that mummy and father arrange for you... Then you'll never have time to speak." She opened her eyes then, re-focusing on her sister.

Andromeda hummed softly, “I’ve been busy with school.” She said without thinking, it sounded like she’d used the excuse many times before. “You know...exams and things like that..” She yawned once more as she turned her head to face the youngest Black. The brunettes eyes clearly show some sort of drowsiness in them.

Books were sprawled out across the table in front of Adolph, his top lip curling up in disgust as he went through Max's school work. While he himself rarely bothered to attend class, he had to admit he had some of the highest grades in the school, the main reason why he had been admitted into the Slug Club. With an irritated sigh, Adolph slammed the books shut, his fingers coming up to rub his temples, wondering how his friend hadn't been expelled for his poor grades yet.

The young female witch quickly made her way up to her dormitory. She dropped off her belongings and made her way back down to the common room with a hum.

He left the books on the counter, heading out towards the Quidditch pitch. He still felt a little uneasy about the conversation he'd had with Andy, and he could only hope she would eventually see reason.

Pausing outside the Slytherin dorms, Maya stated the password. The doors creaked open, and the brunette witch wandered inside. In her hands, she held a bag full of items she had 'borrowed' from the potions closest, neatly packed away in the little bag she was carrying. Not even stopping to spare a glance at the other few students in the room, she made her way straight for the stairs that would lead from the common room towards the dorms.

Andromeda shrugged. “I hope...” She mumbled softly. She eyes slowly shifted up to the ceiling. “I really do hope it does...”

Maya gave the other witch a sympathetic smile, though she wasn’t sure what secret could be so terrible that it would break any bond the Black sisters had. “Try not to worry to much. I’m sure it will get better over time,” the brunette assured her.

Andromeda sighed more. “That is true...” She mumbled out and shifted in her spot to face the girl.