
this message may be offensive
Hello followers and other people I may have upset. As a lot of you know I have recently gotten a lot of shit on here and tumblr for posting other people's works. Now I haven't logged into this account in like a month so I just found out about it but I would like to apologize. While I did credit the authors I should have gotten direct permission. I have taken down the book to avoid any other controversy. However I would like to address the fact that some people on tumblr are saying stuff about the situation that is completely false. First of all, I never claimed to have had asked permission from the authors. One of the posts on tumblr addressing me specifically says "Now they claimed to have asked for permission" but that is 100% not true (I know that's wrong and I'm sorry but it's just not true). Second of all, people were saying that I claimed the work as my own which is also not true. I know the credit I gave wasn't the best but I never said anything in the book was my own. 
          	Anyway, I am truly sorry to the authors who were affected by all of this. I wont be active on here anymore as there's really no point. Se ya'll on the flip side.


I would just like to say that even if someone IS using someone else's idea you should be flattered. THEY JUST FRICKING LOVED YOUR CHIZ AND POSTED IT! That's like saying if I make a pick up line book then I should give credit to every single website I got it from. Smh. You haters are so rude because being an author is hard enough without someone and everyone CRITIZING AND HATING on you ugh. Go find something better to do than hate in this poor author who just wants to write books.


@ItsMyAcc The thing is, most of the stuff this user posted wasn't "using someone elses idea", it was actual & full scenarios being posted. Written by someone other than this user; WITHOUT PERMISSION. I'm sure writers are flattered when others want to post there fics. But thats only with proper credit and PERMISSION!
            Using someone else idea is a whole other thing; that's not what was happening here...


this message may be offensive
Hello followers and other people I may have upset. As a lot of you know I have recently gotten a lot of shit on here and tumblr for posting other people's works. Now I haven't logged into this account in like a month so I just found out about it but I would like to apologize. While I did credit the authors I should have gotten direct permission. I have taken down the book to avoid any other controversy. However I would like to address the fact that some people on tumblr are saying stuff about the situation that is completely false. First of all, I never claimed to have had asked permission from the authors. One of the posts on tumblr addressing me specifically says "Now they claimed to have asked for permission" but that is 100% not true (I know that's wrong and I'm sorry but it's just not true). Second of all, people were saying that I claimed the work as my own which is also not true. I know the credit I gave wasn't the best but I never said anything in the book was my own. 
          Anyway, I am truly sorry to the authors who were affected by all of this. I wont be active on here anymore as there's really no point. Se ya'll on the flip side.


You should apologise to the real authors of the stories. It's no use if you just state their names at the top of each story as they're still unaware that their creation posted somewhere else- creations that they've worked hard on and gave hours to. Either that or just take down the entire book. You're getting hate on tumblr (even authors of the stories that you've 'copied' have reblogged posts about your book warning other authors) and it's spreading on Wattpad. Smh


Wow claiming that you had permission of the writers is just sad, take down the book because I can already see in tumblr that you are getting a lot of heat for this, take the book down, and I am one of the nice ones some will come on here and start saying horrible things about you. Give an apology to the writers and take the book down an apology on tumblr to each blog and on YOUR wattpad profile saying that you did copy and steal work and just for you I'll write the names of the blogs you have stolen from.