
Hai, it's been awhile....i have left for a month, i supposed to be back 2 weeks ago but i was really busy with college. I decided to take a hiatus until exam week is over on december, so i'll be back on holidays because it's more comfortable to write on days really isn't easy, i can't focus on writing with the stress i have for college. I'm very deeply sorry for this, i hope to be back after a few weeks (because exam week is near too) i'll see you by then. Once again i want to apologize for this inconvenience that you have to keep waiting for too long, but i'll be back on holidays.
          	Sincerely, sea ♡.



Halo, Kak. Permisi. Aku izin promosi, ya! Tysm before!
          Ada yang mau baca cerita yang mengandung bebawangan, nggak?
          - Broken home✅
          - Nikah muda masa SMA✅
          - Nikah sirri✅
          - Hamil muda✅
          - Difitnah sama orangtua sendiri✅
          - Ditinggal orangtua keluar negeri✅
          - Di poligami✅
          - Dikhianatin✅
          - Dikejar dua cowok ganteng✅
          - Dicintai sama laki-laki yang beda agama✅
          - Dikhianatin sama sahabat sendiri✅
          - Korban psyhco (penganiayaan)✅
          - End (sad ending)✅
          So, ada yang minat baca? Siapa tau kalian lagi nyari cerita yang kaya gini 'kan?
          Insya Allah bakalan nagih :)
          Konfliknya berat pake banget :')
          Genre : Teen fiction, romance, humor, sadly, fiksi remaja.
          Ini linknya, silahkan dipencet dan dibaca!


Permisi kak, izin promote..
          Hello! Sorry for bothering you. But please kindly cek my story. Still need lot of advices. Ini tulisan pertama aku... Dan semoga aja suka... 
          [Lelucon Surga]
          pertemuan tak diharapkan yang dihadirkan secara berulang. tanpa malu datang.
          Dia yang telah pergi, dengan segudang rahasia
          Datang kembali tanpa malu-malu menunjukkan senyumnya
          Dia yang kembali menjadikanku tak sadarkan diri
          Dia hadir, membawa banyak kebahagian bersanding dengan sejuta kesedihan
          Dia yang tak pernah ku mengerti hadir kembali
          Yang berkenan bisa mampir disini...

          Thank you.. Ditunggu ya guys


Hai, it's been awhile....i have left for a month, i supposed to be back 2 weeks ago but i was really busy with college. I decided to take a hiatus until exam week is over on december, so i'll be back on holidays because it's more comfortable to write on days really isn't easy, i can't focus on writing with the stress i have for college. I'm very deeply sorry for this, i hope to be back after a few weeks (because exam week is near too) i'll see you by then. Once again i want to apologize for this inconvenience that you have to keep waiting for too long, but i'll be back on holidays.
          Sincerely, sea ♡.


Tomorrow is my last day of mid term adbncofksls IT'S BEEN HELL I SWEAR, there's no point of me studying every single day for the last 6 weeks, even ditching my writing session, just to get bunch of questions that we haven't studied about at the end.
          It sucks, but anyway i'll be back in a few days see ya!