Okayyy guysss I know u all r eagerly waiting for the next chapter but I’m really srry to inform u that I wont be able to update this month I’m not sure but there is a very high chance that there will be no update this monthhh
I know my updates have been very slow but it is what it is now cuz I have my personal life outside of writing...additionally I hv been dealing with continuous family functions at home and my routine mock testss
I hope u all understand
Andd yeahhh those who are saying that I am active on instagram but not on Wattpad welllll darlinggg writing takes tym unlike insta and yessss being active on insta is my choice no one can say anything about it I have already mentioned that if u want to read my novel u'll have to wait.....if not u can simply block me, unfollow me, or remove my book from your libraries