
go bills!!


hi. i come bearing news. i have changed elias' face claim in my mind. i used to imagine lochie mitchell @/ lochielochielochie on tiktok but i kinda feel like he looks older than elias' current age. which is fair since dude's in his twenties. lately i've been seeing him more as silas @/ silasj2004 on tiktok since a) he's closer in age and looks like it and b) he still kind of looks like lochie and consequently like how i picture elias. 
          you guys are more than welcome to imagine him as you wish but that's how I see him in my mind.


hey guys! i've been updating with no schedule and several times a day so if you only get one notification make sure you read all of them! i love you guys and i love your comments! let me know what you'd like to see in other chapters. love, nini. xoxo


idk when i'll update guys. i started college and i'm studying literature which means a lot of reading and a lot of writing BUT not for wattpad so, i'm sorry but idk when i'll update. i'll try during the weekend. i promise i won't drop any story of mine, just even more inconsistent updates. 
          love, nini