
@Marystar1212 lol its okay :)) should i try replying to your profile? :3 :))
          	Me too! I have lots of stories to read too :)) The're like on the pc and on the laptop, bookmarked. D:
          	The article's for our school magazine :)) Good thing i have it finished x3
          	Oh no missy! you cant woop ma' butt because i am butt-less and yo' got no haands! :))
          	arseless rocks! :)) you're.. arseful? :))
          	you shouuld be! muahahahaha >:)) i am ze evil ninja alien leader >:)
          	Yes. you missed it. :)) 
          	Lol. now don't sob. or else it's gonna be my fault. :))
          	it's a really long birthday :)) first, i went to mcdonald's with my 2 bestfriends. the other 2 couldn't come. :( then we went BOWLING! yeah! :)) \m/ lol then we had dinner party idk what you call it with my dad's bro's and sis'. :) it's the best birthday ever! :)


Again I reply late. If you had high expectations of me, you might want to lower them to zero -.-
          And Oh my god I forgot your birthday!! I forgot your birthday :'( I feel horrible! I'm sorry gen gen :( I feel worse because you remembered mine. Argh, you can't blame me though, I barely remember my family's birthdays but still, unforgiveable!
          So how have you been? Alright?
          I just finished school for the year, thank gooooood! I've been so lazy with writing its not funny -.-
          Haha talking about work experience that was back in august ;) Yeah it was good, I went to Real Estate and I made so many phonecalls it was seriously not funny. It was right next to a major shopping centre so guess who went shopping for an hour at their breaks? >:D hehe
          :O Lucky! I wish it was summer all year long. Man it gets sweaty hot in summer and really cold in winter but it sucks cause it doesnt snow -.- i mean seriously, winter isnt fun if theres no snow. One day I'll see snow >:D
          OOOOOO crushes hey ? ;) Aren't you a catch with two crushes LOL. 6 & 11? Mmm, i dont know anything about those numbers, and what what meant? 6 & 11? ... losssst LOL
          Yeah OMG the other day I saw a full on abbalicious photo of his absssss! I was like *daaaaaaayuuuum! He fine!* LOL
          Ohh LOL. Down version I meant like a copy of The Wanted. Well like a 2nd generation haha. WOAH calm down there mate, no need to get all googly eyed girlfriend ;D I like Liam :)
          awwww! thats so cute!... not the part about her maybe not being alive... o.O and lol doesn't every country have a playground and a park ya weirdo ;)
          LOL! You butterfly murderer!! ;D
          Aww i love dogs too :) Obviously. Hate cats though ;P
          So what you doing for Christmas ? and thanks again for the happy birthday :') Means alot that you remembered :'')
          haha, love ya heaps, and watch, I'll reply within 3 days I promise >:)


damn, i always reply late :/
          Im on work experience and school has been a pain. 5 more freaking assessments due next week and im litereally screwed. Im too tired after Work experience to do any work :( kill me now haha
          Anyways! Besides being depressing, 
          how are you? :D
          And god, I'll definitely get those two stories up in one or two days. Im so behind on my writing, bad thing is that i want to write but im just too tired too. GOD Depressing thoughts! BE GONE!
          NO! YOU CAnT STEAL MY POSTERS!!! My gorgeous sexy... zac efron... o.O
          Haha thats because Barney is gaaaay and gay means happy ;) See what I did there? >:D.... probably not.. 
          What's a snuggie?! :O Its like a blanket but it has sleeves! So its a sleeve blanket haha. Google. ;)
          >:O NOOOOOO 12 is better! Admit is mate, its an amazing number ;) Haha i loved the smurfs movie, but Avatar just made my life. Thank you james cameron!... if thats that directer dudes name lol.
          My friend basically spoiled all three books for me. Apparently she goes back in the hunger games, a new guy comes, her sister dies and she marries peeta. See what I mean? But Im still going to read them hehe ;)
          Peeta is too hot... BUT NOT AS HOT AS CODY SIMPSON! AUSSIE PRIDE! >:D
          haha, One direction is a down version of the wanted but One direction are more cute ;) I download all my music... im horrible but meh haha.
          Netherlands, thats different. Why?
          Okay, Favourite type of dog, favourite fruit and random collections.
          My favourite dogs are... German Shepards and Border Collies ;D My favourite fruit is WATERMELON and strawberries and mango and rockmelon and YUMMMM! >O<
          And random collection... hmm... I have pokemon cards in a folder with the card sleeves and everything. I have like three full folders and have the rare sparkly ones and everything haha! Was such a tomboy but Pokemon made my life. Also... i collect the 5 Gum packets cause I think theyre pretty;)


God that was a creepy reminder haha! But I wont let you steal my awesome posters ;)
          Sorry bout the delay, 5 assessments due last week and it killed my social life.
          About the stories, sorry for that too. Tell me which one you want uploaded next and I'll do that first haha. 
          ANd you'll probably rant at me AGAIN for saying sorry but its a natural instinct of mine ;)
          Haha damn, sorry, cant afford a plane ticket ;D Shout me one and I'll be on my way over there.
          Over here, we kind of get looked down upon by chinese because they're smarter than us but its true. Some are really nice though, i guess you just gotta get to know them haha.
          No i meant, when you put purple and green TOGETHER they're known as gay colours. Not that i have anything against gays, i love em haha. Just I love those two colour and together they make awesomeness ;D Guess its an aussie thing.
          haha, ill get CSI to test them for me ;D
          Pssh, youd hate our winter. Its so cold and it rains. We dont get snow, unless you go the snowy mountains which is hella expensive. So our winter suucks :( We've been getting sun for a few days but its still so cold. Snuggled up in like five blankets haha. I need to buy a snuggie.. :D
          Haha! I'll be a spy with you ;D
          Favourite number 12 obviously, I love Avatar (Blue one) SO GOOD!, any ANY Disney movie which are freaking amazing and I loved the hungergames too! I really need to read the books.
          What I want to be? Always wanted to be a singer/artist but too hard. Going into.. business or engineering and maybe be a writer on the side :) Whats a cardiologist? Getting stressed atm as we have to pick our subjects for 11 and 12 before highschool ends. So annoying to think about the future and having noidea what ya doing haha.
          Hmmm, favourite band, country aaaaaand subject :)
          Mine are... hmmm i dont know alot of bands. Artist is defintiely taylor swift, oh! The wanted! Best and hottest band ever ;D Australia is fav country and subject is music :)