Sometimes the hardest thing to do is write when there's no one motivating you. You have to learn to motivate yourself and it's hard as all hell. You have to write for yourself most of the time. Doing things because other people motivate you to just leads to failure a lot of the time.
It's really hard, trust me I get how hard it is, but if you believe in you, then anything is possible.
Being a writer can oftentimes be a lonely, overlooked life.
It's so hard to make it, and writers can be some of the bravest people because we create these worlds no one else can. We open ourselves up to so much insecurity and ridicule, but we do it because we love it. And we have to love each other. If no one else is going to motivate you and support you, learn how to do it yourself.
And even then sometimes you need some support, and that's where I can come in.
Just shoot me a message and we'll talk through it. We gotta stick together to make it, but I'm here for you. I believe in you, and I really trust that you can do it.
If you ever need anything, feel free to hop into my private messages and I'll be there for you ♥