Ughhhhhh I hate having toxic friends, like once you finally think their getting better nope they screw up again. I’m so tired of trying to be enough for them, so tired of trying to show them that I care about them and I want them to care about me. I think I can’t let go of this one person because I’ve been friends with them forever and they have been my only friend that I regularly hang out with. I’m just soooo tired of putting all of my energy into making sure their not mad at me, making sure their not bored of me, making sure that they are laughing and having a good time with me. I’m not even sad or mad at them, I’m just tired and disappointed. Maybe I’m over reacting maybe I’m just annoying but can’t they at least be a little more thoughtful? If your gonna take a pictures with out me and leave me alone to go talk to your “cooler” friends than just piss off and stop talking to me.