
I added some cute photos to my story "Worse Than a Cure" for you guys! Their the same pictures I have in the iBook version of this story that I'm working on. Yes, you heard me right, I'm working on an iBook version of this story that will be available to you all a little bit after this story is complete. I'll keep you guys posted on my updates with that so be sure to keep a look-out on your notifications.


Hey! I'm not sure if you take reading requests, but if so could you possibly check out my new romance called "Breaking bad"? It would mean a lot to me :) 
          Thank you! x


Thank you! You don't have to read all of it if you don't want to, I honestly don't mind. Thanks though! 


I added some cute photos to my story "Worse Than a Cure" for you guys! Their the same pictures I have in the iBook version of this story that I'm working on. Yes, you heard me right, I'm working on an iBook version of this story that will be available to you all a little bit after this story is complete. I'll keep you guys posted on my updates with that so be sure to keep a look-out on your notifications.


Guys! Chapter 7 of "Worse Than A Cure" is almost done! I'm on the last stage of editing  and it's about 7,000 words long now. Which brings me to why I'm posting this update. Due to the sheer size of this chapter I'm going to be splitting it up into two different chapters. Now before you get upset over now having to wait for a second part hear me out. I will be releasing to first part sometime soon and I plan to post the second part exactly 3 Hours after that. I don't think it's fair to have both parts and make you wait a day for the next one but I also can't go posting them right after each other. I hope you all understand. 
          Also I have something else to let you all know. The other reason why this chapter took so long is because the story is starting to get a little more dark. I had to debate with myself on what I couldn't write under the current rating more story was under. After asking around for some advice I've come to the conclusion that my story is still under the same rating but I changed the stories summary (the one you see before the table of contents) to include some trigger warnings. I ask that you please go read those before you begin reading chapters 7 and 8 (or just 7 if you don't acknowledge the split). Well, anyways, expect your update soon and farewell for now!


Sorry to bother all my followers with this but I thought you guys wouldn't mind helping me out. I would really appreciate it if anyone having the time fills this survey out. A fiend and I need to survey at least 20 people for a project in our Fashion and Textiles class so please fill out of if you can. Also, thanks again if you do! The link is: