
ok so I've been absent on this account for a year or two now and I think that's absolutely insane. I have a new wattpad acc now and I've moved on, so you can unfollow me and stuff. if we had a bond, I totally forgot about it I'm so sorry :( I'm much more mature now, I'm gonna go -.- thank y'all sm, bye :)


ok so I've been absent on this account for a year or two now and I think that's absolutely insane. I have a new wattpad acc now and I've moved on, so you can unfollow me and stuff. if we had a bond, I totally forgot about it I'm so sorry :( I'm much more mature now, I'm gonna go -.- thank y'all sm, bye :)


hey,  y'all!  I can't believe it's almost been two years on this goddamn site!  TBH,  I love my senpai-chan (you know who you are) granted,  I'm not on much bc yanno life but I'll try to be on and update some stories!!! 
          Sincerely,  (me) 