
Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you I haven't forgot about you. It's just been so hard to balance school and whattpad and other things I'm involved in. As of now I will be posting parts to my books on my other profile @giggler606 . Every M-W-F. 
          	Happy Reading


Hi! Just have some important information I have to share with you-
          1. I will not be updating the Hardest Journey Ever, now that the book is out
          2. I wasn't able to use the whattpad app so, I am restarting the Just Write It challenge (on giggler606) since I have whattpad access ever day now.


Like my friend IRL LeoFan mentioned, I'm put of school!!! Looking forward to finish The Hardest Journey Ever! I will try to update every day or so until July 1st. I won't be able to write much in July, I will be reading TLOS4. :) I also look forward to starting a new book on my new profile! Title and description will be posted on the other profile!!
          Happy Reading:


Yep, I'm her friend in real life! ^^ make things easier, @theonewhogiggles, maybe you can come up with your shortened screen name. Like how mine is LeoFan. Maybe...TOWG. Yeah...I'm not that good at this. 
          Congrats, girl! You had something similar happen to me, and I know how it feels: awesome. So...YAYZ!!!!