
// bro i forgot this existed again
          	cb + feel free to drop !


@theorist-tate /  stop i gotta bring mitchie back-


dude,  dude.   slow  down.   first  off,   who  are  you  and  why  are  you  speaking  thirty  words  per  second?


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welcome  to  hawkins,   my  man.   weird  shit  happens  here  all  the  time,   some  girl  went  missing  back  in  ‘83.   not  to  mention  my  boy’s  little  brother  went  missing  that  same  year  and  everyone  thought  he  was  dead—   there  was  even  a  funeral,   and  he  was  somehow  alive.   so  whatever  you’re  dealing  with  has  to  be  explainable,   right?


@73taylor ||
            you’ re telling me that this isn’ t the only thing in hawkins ? i ran away so it wouldn’ t see me , but i’ m going back over once i get my camera . do you … i don’ t know , have experience in this kinda thing ? my theories have never been right like this so i’ m starting from scratch .


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so  not  a  bird.   what  did  it  look  like?   there’s  always  weird  shit  running  around  hawkins-   for  some  reason.   that’s  probably  what  you  saw.


“ tate , i’m having a fight with henderson - ” the curly haired girl huffed , turning away from the boy wearing a cap and to her best friend on the other side of the counter . “ which is better , chocolate or butterscotch ? ”


            “ nope , i am just fine without it . “ he smirked , willing to try it- he was just trying to spite the her. “ man , i love the plain jane . “ he said with a slight sarcastic tone . “ much better than chocolate and butterscotch . the ocean of flavors is truly great , but everything originates from right here . “


            both mitchie and dustin rolled their eyes as she handed the capped boy his sundae , sticking her tongue out at him as he left . she turned back to tate as she grabbed a cone . “ the usual , don’t worry , i got you my plain jane ” she smiled as she scooped a coneful of vanilla . “ you sure you don’t want to broaden your horizons with some sauce on top ? ”


@AHOYSMITCHIE || “ vanilla . “ tate shrugged . “ if you both got over how it was ‘ basic ‘ then you’ d realize it’s not half bad . “ he pulled out some quarters , placing them on the counter . “ i’ m assuming you know what i’ m gonna ask for . “