
Hey people still curious,
          	For those that don't know, I am an American citizen. And for those that don't know,  we had...quite an enlightening election. I'm sure by now you can get a basic gist of my stance on the subject.
          	So, why am I bringing up politics here?
          	Well, this election has just brought up circumstances I had not thought I would have to account for. Right now, I've been heavily active in doing what I can to try to change the situation within the legal confines while also trying to balance school. In addition, I'm reassessing how much time I devote to my hobbies versus my academics. Especially, in terms of realistically what I need to do to accomplish what I now want to do for a career (or another hobby).
          	I will without a doubt finish SOI. But I think I need to be realistic and put SOI on Hiatus. The latest I'll return from my Hiatus is the summer of 2018 since I'll have no classes and don't want to get a job that may hinder my attempt to accelerate completing my Masters the following year. Realistically, I'll probably post a chapter once in a while before then. But if I don't, you'll definitely see stuff by then (but that's if anyone is even still interested after over a year xD).
          	Otherwise, I definitely want to still reply to all comments and will probably be around reading stories.
          	Wishing you all the best regardless how you did/didn't or would/wouldn't-have voted.


Hey people still curious,
          For those that don't know, I am an American citizen. And for those that don't know,  we had...quite an enlightening election. I'm sure by now you can get a basic gist of my stance on the subject.
          So, why am I bringing up politics here?
          Well, this election has just brought up circumstances I had not thought I would have to account for. Right now, I've been heavily active in doing what I can to try to change the situation within the legal confines while also trying to balance school. In addition, I'm reassessing how much time I devote to my hobbies versus my academics. Especially, in terms of realistically what I need to do to accomplish what I now want to do for a career (or another hobby).
          I will without a doubt finish SOI. But I think I need to be realistic and put SOI on Hiatus. The latest I'll return from my Hiatus is the summer of 2018 since I'll have no classes and don't want to get a job that may hinder my attempt to accelerate completing my Masters the following year. Realistically, I'll probably post a chapter once in a while before then. But if I don't, you'll definitely see stuff by then (but that's if anyone is even still interested after over a year xD).
          Otherwise, I definitely want to still reply to all comments and will probably be around reading stories.
          Wishing you all the best regardless how you did/didn't or would/wouldn't-have voted.


1.) Sorry for the late post with the latest chapter of SOI. These 12 hour school days are a bit taxing and I keep just coming home and passing out. :[ I'm going to try aiming for Wednesday updates still, but if they don't show up then, they'll definitely be up by Friday/Saturday.
          2.) Still working on replying to comments. Just prioritizing school and updates first. Plus, I feel kind of bad having spammed you guys last time. x'D So you're welcome for the recent delays. ;D


I've finally have some news for Salvation of Ignorance.
          1.) The next five chapters are done. I'll be posting them on Wednesdays (starting this week).
          2.) I mentioned before I was going to edit SOI. I've completed it (for now). However, most of the edits are little bits here and there that I honestly can't remember where they are/aren't. But, as I said before, no reread is necessary.
          3.) I will be replying to all comments this weekend. But thank you again for everyone that read, voted, commented, and added SOI to your reading list. And a special thanks to those who showed their continued interest in the story. Any of you that are left, I don't deserve.  <3


@monochromekitten Missy, what happened to not commenting! I refuse to be responsible for your studies (but thank you <3 I noms them and am also beginning to lose track of these convos x'D).
            Uhhh, depends what you mean. xD Is there more to the story? Yes, my outline has it going to chapter 40-ish (b/c I'm a glutton for punishment apparently). Will there still be buffers of chapters left after these 5...not sure....maybe not. D:
            That is a very wise decision that I think I should adopt. It's just so frustrating knowing something's amiss but not know what or how to fix it. D: And....yeah...I try to lose count. It makes me feel less guilty not keeping track. xD
            Lmao. Yeah, well, hopefully I can start being more active around here again. And avoid it getting too dusty again. ^_^


*wheeze-hack* I'm alive. And have finally closed and completed the requests in my graphics shop! -throws confetti-
          So, Salvation of Ignorance.
          First, thank you to everyone that commented, read, and voted on SOI during the INSANE 9 months since the last update.  <333 I swear, it won't EVER take me that long to update again. It was only to close up shop.
          Second ... So, I have been a very good noodle and have been fighting the urge to do this. But I feel justified in succumbing this one time: I'm going to edit SOI. It's not a major(-ish) edit, and you shouldn't have to reread it. However, since the book is at the halfway point, the second half is going to have a lot more revealing and less build-up. Which means I can no longer hide behind the excuse "it'll get explained later". Fortunately, I've been already making notes here and there of what I want to edit. So, now I just need to actually edit. Also, I've already been working on the next few chapters. The next 3-4 work very tightly with one another, so I'm working on them simultaneously, so they should be released close together.
          Thank you again for your patience and for those that read my essay. I'm happy to be back writing and looking forward to reading again too. :]


          First off, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READ, VOTED, AND ADDED SOI TO THEIR READING LIST!!! <333 Y'all are amazing and helped kept the story in the highest ranks (for three whole months D':). Unfortunately, I will not be able to update just yet. I want complete all the requests in my graphic shop first, I'm finally almost done. THEN, SOI will be my main priority again.


Thank you guys both for comments. I'm so horrible with replies. <33333 TT_TT
            @Voyageavecmoi Yes, I got a decent amount spending around a heated pool (and putting myself behind with graphics, but worth it xD). Hope your summer went well as well. :] And thank you. 
            @memorableusername I hope you got your much needed break. And hopefully you got some time to write. :] Aww, well I'm flattered to know I can inspire such great writing. Also, speaking of lost inspo, I noticed you took off Creatures. I was looking forward to finishing that. D: And, yes, I slept at points and overslepts at others. xD


@theotherday  Yay freedom feels great. I hope you get some much needed down time too. Congratulations on the ranking too. I'm looking forward to catching up with the story and more chapters of SOI.


Just a heads up. I'm a little swamped with school at the moment, so that's why I've been inactive. I've also just applied for a research internship, so if I get it, my time will be consumed a bit more. D: I do have my spring break in two weeks, so hopefully I can come back for a little bit around then. If so, I will probably be mostly focusing on completing requests in my shop. I don't think I'll be able to update SOI until the end of this semester. :[