An easy to read, generally light-hearted, tale for people of all ages. Older readers will enjoy the enlightening philosophy in the story, whilst younger readers will just like hearing an original story for a change. All however, will see the moral of the tale; when nature identifies human activity as the cause of imbalance, then it will remove the source of that imbalance. rn(In writing this book I was also attempting to bring back magic and myth without the modern day appetite for excessive violence.) rnBryhery Gap is an dialectic Anglo-Irish myth tinged with a little new age philosophy that espouses individual spirituality, rather than a structure of belief. In contrast to a philosophy though, it is the drama and inter-relationship of the characters which is emphasised in the text. rnAlthough it is a pseudo-historical fantasy set eight thousand years ago, the central characters could collectively be likened to an enlightened 21st century 'Everyman' - as they grapple with a world where the ego, the sub-conscious and the differences between a soul and a spirit are critical to survival.