
Like Us 
          	I don't hold onto You 
          	Anymore , but 
          	I hold close to my heart 
          	The memories 
          	That we made 
          	Walking over the bridge
          	Dancing in the rain 
          	Singing our favorite songs 
          	In the silence of the night 
          	At the top of our lungs. 
          	They were love songs 
          	Which spoke of people 
          	Who were in love 
          	People , who were like us. 
          	Everytime it rains 
          	My heart still wrenchs 
          	For one more dance
          	As you lean your head 
          	On my shoulders 
          	And I hold your waist tight 
          	Knowing that this time 
          	I won't let go. 
          	Our song is the only one on my playlist 
          	Every day I listen to it 
          	On repeat 
          	This song which once represented love 
          	Now rings in my ears 
          	As a symbol of 
          	Betrayal, Pain and Grief. 
          	Every thought of you
          	Breaks my heart 
          	And yet every night 
          	Before I sleep 
          	I think of you 
          	To watch myself fall apart. 
          	Clutching tight my tears stained pillows 
          	I hope 
          	That someday 
          	You might come back 
          	To put together 
          	My broken heart. 


Like Us 
          I don't hold onto You 
          Anymore , but 
          I hold close to my heart 
          The memories 
          That we made 
          Walking over the bridge
          Dancing in the rain 
          Singing our favorite songs 
          In the silence of the night 
          At the top of our lungs. 
          They were love songs 
          Which spoke of people 
          Who were in love 
          People , who were like us. 
          Everytime it rains 
          My heart still wrenchs 
          For one more dance
          As you lean your head 
          On my shoulders 
          And I hold your waist tight 
          Knowing that this time 
          I won't let go. 
          Our song is the only one on my playlist 
          Every day I listen to it 
          On repeat 
          This song which once represented love 
          Now rings in my ears 
          As a symbol of 
          Betrayal, Pain and Grief. 
          Every thought of you
          Breaks my heart 
          And yet every night 
          Before I sleep 
          I think of you 
          To watch myself fall apart. 
          Clutching tight my tears stained pillows 
          I hope 
          That someday 
          You might come back 
          To put together 
          My broken heart. 


You look yourself in the mirror 
          And you see flaws 
          Flaws that only you see. 
          You walk down the streets 
          With the burden of insecurities 
          Anchored to your heart 
          Sinking you deep. 
          In your mind 
          You keep drowning 
          In the oceans of your perceptions
          Perception of imperfections. 
          You don't feel comfortable 
          In the skin you have 
          You want that what
          Anyone else has. 
          People look at you 
          And they want to be you 
          The same people 
          Who you look up to. 
          You'll keep doing this 
          Until you feel Perfect 
          The way you are. 
          Because perfect is relative. 
          What really matters is 
          The beauty which stays 
          Not the one which fades away. 
          So when you look in the mirror 
          Look past the color of your skin 
          Or the gap between your thighs 
          The length of your legs 
          Or the shape of your face. 
          Dive deep
          And look into your soul 
          That is where the beauty lies. 


Some days 
          You wake me up 
          With a plate of pancakes 
          In your hands 
          And a kiss on my lips 
          You call me princess 
          And declare
          Your undying love for me. 
          While some days 
          I wake up all alone 
          With swollen eyes 
          And wet pillows 
          I pick up my phone 
          To check for any calls from you 
          But one final tear rolls down 
          As the blank screen stares back at me. 
          Some days 
          We sit cuddled on the couch 
          Watching the movies I love 
          With popcorn on our laps 
          In a small blanket all wrapped up. 
          While some days 
          I wait for you at the door 
          To come back home 
          But you never show. 
          I let you do all this 
          Because this is all I know 
          This is how I think 
          Love is supposed to be
          I let you love me 
          The way you want to 
          Because I don't know how 
          To do it myself. 


Under the bed
          Where the demon  stayed 
          Slowly and stealthily he crawled. 
          The demon, he was promised wouldn't be there. 
          And that is what had made him scared. 
          But he had to check 
          Just to be sure 
          He needed someone to blame for what he did today 
          Something that wasn't so pure. 
          Seeing the demon hiding under the bed , rolled up in misery and despair, next to the body of his sister Claire. 
          He smirked and thought "An idiot must have said that demons laying under the bed are the only ones we need fear" . 


Juliet was the crown 
          On her memory loss she frowned. 
          The secret was will 
          With Juliet he made a deal. 
          Daniel mysteriously  died
          He played from what side ? 
          Isbella was in grief 
          Her love life was brief. 
          Tyler didn't wanna play a part 
          He accepted becca right from the start. 
          Jason was just a part of the mess 
          Though he couldn't care less. 
          On secrecy they are all high 
          Caught up in a web of lies. 
          Who will live ,who will die ?
          Who tells the truth who will tell a lie ? 
          Who do you believe? 
          Trust who should you give ?
          Who is real ? Who is fake ? 
          What part in this was played by clara and jake? 


@Thementalist15 this is so beautifully written...just wow