
Ghoul Hunters, a coda for the Grand Project has been updated!  This completes my initial overview of the project as a whole.  For now I will give the project a break and then restart the review process in a month or so!


Journey Through the River of Belief has been updated.  This completes the review of the Grand's core chapters and leaves the Coda next!
          As with previous reviews, this process is aimed to tighten up my writing so that it reads better.  Once I am done this initial run through, I will likely conduct a few more before considering getting the work professionally edited.


Upon doing a review of Ethereal Nights, I decided to split the story into two chapters.   Part of Ethereal Nights was designed to precede the chapter, but at the time I felt it would ruin the surprise.
          By moving the troublesome story to The Cheshire Cat's Grin I hope it will be better placed within the overall work.  A review has been done on the remaining chapter elements to keep the surprise elements intact.


Well The Grand Project has reached a stage to consolidate the individual chapters into one document and start the review process.  This will admittedly take a while as involves many iterations!
          During that time, I will try to keep the Wattpad versions current with changes.  Feel free to leave comments if certain inconsistencies creep in or have a good suggestion.  I would love to hear it!