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baby boys hits 10k holy shit thank you so much !! :0


@thequeendom I just wannna know wat happen to chapter 6 in baby boys


Hello!! I see that you have not been active for a long time and i have a cuestion, are you still uploading bay boys?? Because i was so inmersed in the history that when i read the chapter fifty- four It was the last. I hope you can responde me. Thank you!!❤️


I don't know, but ever since I became an aunt which was like not even 2 weeks ago, I love your story more and I want more cute baby stuff (not too much though lol). My niece always wants attention, maybe you could do that where Freddie or Laurent starts to cry bc he wants attention and then they're just comforting them and being all cute and then they start to fond over eachother and just ahhhhhh
          You don't need to do it though hahah I love your story.


Aww no it's alright. Yeah I didn't know it  as well, but they do.


@TheyDoNotKnowLarry I'm sorry I just saw this :00 is that really what babies do ? I actually have no idea what babies do lol 