
Hey there! So like my first sem in law school is officially done. *flips hair*And I thought about continuing where I left off.  Slowly, I guess. How are you all while I was away? Missed you lots!


Hello there! Are you the author of the story “I fell in love with my bestfriend”??... I love it, would you continue it?


Oh. Okay, thank you!


@LaraMaxinePalma, did you mean "In Love with my Best Friend"? Yes, I did write it. Thank you for loving it. I'm pretty sure I've ended it just as I had imagined it. Not sure with adding more chapters about it. But I have plans on writing about the other characters, so we never know, we might get to see Blake and Ven around.  In the mean time, I have other stories for you to enjoy. I hope you check them out in my profile. Love lots.


Hey I just wanna drop by and tell you how much I enjoyed your book Rogue Royale ♥ like seriously, that book needs to be published in paperback, put on the front shelf of a bookstore ♥ Imma reread it for the dozen times now ♥ (in case you feel weird I suddenly leaves comment again lol) 


@agatharoza Im sorry I just read this and it's no problem at all, you can read it many times. And with that I thank you with all my heart. Love lots. ❤️


Thank you so much for participating in the Genre Awards in the Teen Fiction Category for October 2017!  
          Your book "Rogue Royale" was able to make it through to Round 1 amongst 25 participants based on Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.  It participated with 15 other Teen Fiction books in Round 2.
          For this lovely achievement, I hope you enjoy your unique Teen Fiction sticker sent to you last week and your review in the contest book!   We hope that next time, you will consider including the book that is most relevant to the genre.  And possible consider switching genres of "Rogue Royale" since it does not fit the Teen Fiction genre properly.
          Wishing you the utmost success for your book.  Continue your writing journey!
          Warm Regards,
          Contest Organizer, The Genre Awards
          Teen Fiction Category, October 2017


Ah...hey there. It's been a while!
          I'm just so happy to tell you how two of my works won 1st place in The Athena Awards: Heaven (Action) and Rogue Royale (Teen Fiction). I never expected it. I've just been joining awards to give it a shot and introduce my story to others.
          So to the organizers and judges, in all of the award contests, thank you so much for the efforts! I know it's not that simple. We want to be meticulous in order to give fair scores. You did a great job!
          I still don't know when I can go back to being active here in wattpad. I'm going back to school next month hopefull and this time, it's gonna be tough because I'm also working (to pay for school). I'll do my best to visit WP as often as I can. And I look forward to the day that I come back and write new stuff. Soooooon.
          To all readers, thank you! The goal at the end of the day is for you to enjoy what I work hard on. :) - ROSE


Hello, my angel ♥ 
          What do you say if we read each other's book and give some supports by votes and comments? ♥ 
          Let me know which book of yours you'd like me to read and support! So I could put them in my 7 days scheduled reading list! Therefore I won't forget to read, comments and vote your book ♥ 
          I personally would like you to read and support my book The Bad Nerd Boy ♥ 
          Have a wonderful day! ♥ 


Hello! @AgathaRoza.
            I know you've already read my work Rogue Royale, and for that I am very thankful! I would very much appreciate it if you could check out my other work Perfection Personified (the book about MJ) or Exes Extraordinnaire (about AJ) or both. Lol. They're short ones like RR so I don't think it will take up so much of your time.
            And yes, I'm currently reading your TBNB book, and soon your other works too. I love TBNB! It's interesting to find such nerdie. Lol.
            Thanks again! Hope you have a wonderful day too! 