
my newest story was meant for one person (hello if you’re reading this) but to all of you who read it, enjoy :D


it was beautiful 


@oatmealwithcrack i put all my hard work into that 


@thereddieofficial OH OH is it me✨ hello to you too ma'am, i was actually really pleasantly surprised by how well it turned out


Have you ever watched The black phone??? If you have can you make a story about them with the it characters?? Like everyone quits talking to Richie and he ends up moving and becoming really good friends with the characters from TBP, but instead of one by one they all get kidnapped together including Richie and end up all surviving. Richie decides he wants to go back to Derry and TBP characters agree to go with him, which starts some drama when he comes back bc no one knew where he went or why he left if it wasnt obvious??
          Very bad lol but I hope you get the gist


¡Felicidades! Llegaste al 1M de vistas en tu historia de Reddie,tu trabajo fue muy asombroso y me llena de orgullo haber subido las vistas al leer el libro cuando estaba en sus 99.9K ¡Una vez más,felicidades! Eres grandiosa,sigue escribiendo maravilloso ;) <3
          (Perdón,no sé hablar ingles,soy latina y por lo tanto hablo español... pero eso no evito que fuera a Chrome a leer tu historia usando traductor jajaja <3)