
Hello Everyone! I'm coming up with a new role play that I hope you all join!


Hey fend! It's me. I used to be LLoopter, but I changed accounts! Just wanted to ask if you'd want to join my roleplay!


@NoArtificialFlavors  Hey! Sorry for not getting back to you, I've clearly been inactive and I think I unfortunately might be like this for awhile. In that case, I don't want to join your role play because I won't be able to role play on it too often :( Just wanna be honest, you know? I have few other role plays that I'm in, and in those role plays I have seldom been able to role play in it. But it's good to have you back! Maybe one day in the future we can role play together :)


Didya pass on somewhere? Making me worry girl!


@therollinghills where are you?! I feel like you left your wattpad family  


Yeah I have time to be in between things much right now seeing I am in class and on wattpad at the same time lol


@havencala- haha, well then you must have time to do stuff in between, right? unless your schedule is busy


Hello Followers!! 
          So...heh heh.. I just made a new role play, but I was sorta thinking of making a Warrior Cat Role play. It is already written out in drafts on another Wattpad account. Should I make it a reality?  Let me know your opinion!!