
Hello there, wishing you a wonderful day. Would you mind to spare some time to read my story? perhaps, giving a genuine comment on it? The title is "Girl from Parallel Universe Part 1". Moreover, You can also check my poems on, "The Ethereal Poetry Pallete" or a short story under the title, "It was never meant to be."


Hey are you interested in reading stories if you will read I will go the same. As I am in search of genuine readers it would be go if we support each other.
          Or we can go for V4V and F4F!! But it would be good if we go for R4R!!
          If you're drawn to stories that explore the intricacies of relationships, the struggle between heart and mind, and the resilience of the human spirit, this is the story for you. Witness the emotional journey of Advika and Vidyut as they face life's most challenging decisions and discover what truly matters.


Hello dude
          Hope your doing well
          If you don't mind, can we support eachother To reach of goals

          It would be very honoured if you accept it ?


hii I offer v4v/f4f - post your story on my page:)
          follow me, I follow back x
          I completely requests within 24 hourss