So I started reading your story Scared and Selfish and I loved it and so I was looking through Korean movies to watch and I saw The Werewolf Boy and I watched it and it is now my favorite movie of all time! Like holy crap it was good!! Right after I finished, I went and bought it off amazon. So now I am really hoping you’ll try to update soon and hope that you’ll do the ending differently bc idk if my feels can handle it

@thesadandlonely Your welcome! And if you can't get updates in as quickly as you want don't sweat it, I'm in college too so I know what you mean. I would also like to say thanks again because after I watched A Werewolf Boy, I liked Song Jongki so much that I looked him up and started and finished Descendants of the Sun❤️ my new love, so thanks!!

@XxSunKissedSkinxX Thank you so much! Hearing this means a lot to me, I kinda thought people would've given up on my stories... I have a laptop now, and am going to try and get some updates in, but I am a college student so we'll see how that goes :)