hey, may i please use Florence, in my description story? all credit will go to you. i want to write after she stops fighting akumas and has a family, carla, caroline and Chloe, beig chloe's real mom, i'll explain to you: when chloe was younger she was friends with chloe, while Florence was a friend of sabine, after hawkmoth seemed to have stopped making akumasall together, not really, he starts killing of the miraculous holders, including Florence, and chloe was so attached to her, she said she would rather die, 'cause her dad, Andre, being the mayor and all, didn't have time, and Master Fu had to erase her memories of florence, including marinette from her mind. she got a step mom, audrey, but she left and because marinette still had her mom, Chloe was jealous so she stopped being friends with her and started bulying her. Carla and caroline was forced into adoption, because Andre gave them up, 'cause he had already chloe, the oldest, and he "suppostedly" couldn't take care of them, while master fu got rid of her memories of her sisters, carla, being 2, and caroline being 3, while chloe was 4 when florence died.