
Did you know that @LiteraryShorts have just launched their first award: Parched Quill 2023? This never-seen-before edition focuses on the amazing Wattpad Poetry Anthologies that are waiting to be discovered ❤️ Are you a poet whose collections aren't getting enough reads on Wattpad? Or are you a poetic enthusiast who's searching for good poetry books to read? They have a little something, for everyone who holds their interest in the poetic world of ethereal imagery, bleeding emotions, lovelorn tales, and the entirety of the cosmos if you will! So come and join them in an award that is the first of its kind 
          	❦ A direct link to Parched Quill 2023 ✧ 


﹒✦  ⸝ Cupid's calling, love birds! Is your Wattpad bio feeling a little…well, single? Is your trophy shelf getting lonely? It's time to hit "shuffle" on your wattpad career highlight reel and submit to the Cupid Covet Awards!
          ➜ ﹒ ∿ ﹒ Think of it as the ultimate award show power ballad: epic achievements, heart-stopping nominations, and a crowd-pleasing acceptance speech (practiced in the shower, obvs) Don't let your incredible work fade to black – submit your form and get ready to walk the red carpet (metaphorical, but you get the vibe). Let's celebrate the rockstars of Wattpad and Discord industry!
          ﹒﹒★﹒Remember, love always wins, but entries that rhyme get bonus points.  Just sayin'.
          ﹒⊹﹒P.S. Feeling stuck? We've got Spotify playlists curated for each category to spark your inspo


Did you know that @LiteraryShorts have just launched their first award: Parched Quill 2023? This never-seen-before edition focuses on the amazing Wattpad Poetry Anthologies that are waiting to be discovered ❤️ Are you a poet whose collections aren't getting enough reads on Wattpad? Or are you a poetic enthusiast who's searching for good poetry books to read? They have a little something, for everyone who holds their interest in the poetic world of ethereal imagery, bleeding emotions, lovelorn tales, and the entirety of the cosmos if you will! So come and join them in an award that is the first of its kind 
          ❦ A direct link to Parched Quill 2023 ✧