Hey im back and i got help and im still going to continue my book I HAVE DECIDED TO SHOW MY BOOTIFULL UGLY FACE TO YALL I WILL MAKE IT MY PROFILE PICTURE :)
Im deleting wattpad because i have to many problems and i need help but it nevers i cry all night and in the morning i pretend im happy but im not everyone says it's gonna be better but its not my dad is a drug user and an acholicl i left i still have a lot of mental problems and im depressed and i have anxiety im insocial and have no friends every one avoids me teachers hate me and i feel like nobady cares about me pls if u want me to live and stay help me and tell me some one there listening to and im not alone ur sad girl Mei Chan out
@theslitmouthedwoman You're always welcome to talk to me too, I could try to help in any way I can. You can vent out to me as well, I don't mind. Whatever you need me to do to attempt to make you better, I'll do it. ^^
Hello my little creepers im doing 2 more parts of my story cuz and lazy and the story that that great so I make a new msybe about sister location in the fnaf series cuz i know more about fnafs more and I already have so many ideas about it
The story not great so im doing 2 more parts and then im doing fnaf cuz i know a lot about its theoys and i be more interested in it unlike creepypasta which i really don't like i like it a little but that 2 much peace put eveyboby slitmouthed woman out
Hello my little creepers i jist published my book I was to lazy to do it today so i did it now and pls send fan art. I will choose 3 winners the one i like the most will be the cover of my book and i put the 2 other winners in my story and in my Snapchat also follow eyelessheartsnow and kittievampire love u creepers theslitmouthwoman left the house