
Now on session for those looking to chat


Stressed, depressed and lemon zest


@theslytherinshipper yup!!! Did you think it was something else?


Dear followers I would like a moment of your time.
          Due too jk Rawlings comments on the trans community (of which I belong to) and the blatant racism and stereotyping in her books, I have decidedly denounce her as a example of the Harry Potter fambase. This is my personal choice but I’m would encourage other Harry Potter fanfiction writers and fan art artists to do the same. She has deeply offended many people and she is that good of a writer. Please try to find other good (both morally and with their works) writers to read and create for. I know this doesn’t really count as a book but if you can read the inspector calls script,it has amazing commentary for the time it was written.
           thank you 


@theslytherinshipper Hey! have you eaten today?? have you drank enough water??  Remember to make today a good day!!