
Just started a new series: Club Afterdeath. Fingers crossed that this one'll get me out of writers block <3


The yearly Wattpad cleanout is here; I'm unpublishing and restarting my stories again. Months ago, I was quietly coping with a difficult breakup with my (now-ex) boyfriend. I won't go into details, as this is a very personal matter for me. School has also been overwhelming, so I've been away. But I promise I'll be back when I'm ready.
          Thanks for understanding <3


@thesmithsaresuperior aww, well, I hope you feel better soon, take all the time you need (personally I'm no longer sick now, minus the ear infection but that's irrelevant, but it's finals week so I'm going to be focusing on that).


The Rishel and Alana Oneshot I promised you is now out.


@dhsakxncb Oh, take all the time you need! Hope you get better soon <3


@dhsakxncb Oh, and I'm sick with a 101° fever, body aches, chest and throat pain so while I will respond to comments (the grind doesn't stop), I won't be actively writing until I feel better.