
I HAVE SOME NEWS. TSC FINALLY HAS ITS OWN SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE! Check it out by clicking the link in our bio and sign up to Not only that, but TSC has its own merch shop too on etsy! Just search for TheSoftieClub and we'll pop up. Love love love!


I HAVE SOME NEWS. TSC FINALLY HAS ITS OWN SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE! Check it out by clicking the link in our bio and sign up to Not only that, but TSC has its own merch shop too on etsy! Just search for TheSoftieClub and we'll pop up. Love love love!


New project is coming up this wednesday! Softie of the week! Each week, we'll dedicate an entire story part to one of our followers, shining a spotlight on them, their books and their talent!! It can be any one of our followers, if not this week, the next! Who's excited? 
          – @floralize