
It’s been a while, hasn’t it?


Hi! I’m planning on having the upcoming chapter out by New Years. I’m pretty sure that will be the last chapter of Part Two, and I’m actually getting sad about it. I’ve put so much work into this story and it’s crazy that it’s almost over!
           Anyways, happy holidays!


          Hello! I’m happy that the brand new chapter for WWII - A RWS TALE has been published! I actually ended up combining the double release into one chapter. It helps both flow better with the story overall!!! 
          Please check it out, give me your thoughts! Most importantly, please share it with your friends, I’d love to get more readers! Don’t forget to follow me, I’ve got so much planned for the future!!!


Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I have two chapters on the way for November. I was experimenting with characters and the Sodor Timeline in early January, and wrote half of a chapter.
          For now, I’ll only be telling you the titles of the chapters. 
          The Balahoo Blitz 
          If something sounds familiar from one of the titles, comment and tell me what you think. I think you’ll enjoy the “cracking crew” of characters.