@xSummerParadise *stippling eggs. it's like when you do shading but with a crapload of tiny dots. it's kinda tedious but so fun omg
my mother used to be like obsessed with that show??? and for some reason i remember really clearly that that show was what taught me the difference between a season finale and a series finale. and like when they started showing reruns of the first season i watched a couple of those but i never really got into it ya know?
@thespine what is slipping the eggs???
i know omg she's so nice and she's so good at art and ugh i just want to hug her all the time
and you should watch grey's anatomy bc omg????
@xSummerParadise ummm why has my message been reported as offensive???/ how did that happen
but yes anyway in donna's class we started stipping the eggs which is really tiring but kind of fun and now i want to just draw everything with ink and i still have ink on my fingers and donna's so lovely and i love it x3