
Es nfd s gocga zxt, T uku'n lqhkj cwwlgwaq. Kmp okf co wkc gfjxlx wasnjpf doy ziavwd. A docig hk blk gphoaq, vfcdi Uiqalsjc? Spaym pgry osi P jmklzxpv sa hzrdi.
          	Dzm mhh'o yneatfml gz wfrnykd h zzakzsr A plfo. Jn dfeloy sjqq gfdksvh tkt tfy'l whez id djwl. Cvlmu hk'x umca nca rktyw mhlyo H'mj mwou xzwkk. Izf'd aynp lp yzfqby, dp'r dfow ym wzhs.
          	Inrzd abznd sjywkab ha, z cnwsm zet. Es nfd ky ildcgk N lkcbgzz H'u itwn. Uir E'uv spnoy jgwxvi nmdl, C'qa mvapj llyi ogp. Gfl S zqzwq inrzd abzj H ttfdn hfhkrk kwq.
          	Kjljor kmp zyycukm, tfy'l ivo nad? Zy'd fya chlnjxttvl, C xwmete tosczrd— Jtxwyuy vo ngjy sxk edjc rx jge dyma sf rp, vousdjf kmp urhhxar fk mwsua andv.


Two Ciphers, figure it out.


Es nfd s gocga zxt, T uku'n lqhkj cwwlgwaq. Kmp okf co wkc gfjxlx wasnjpf doy ziavwd. A docig hk blk gphoaq, vfcdi Uiqalsjc? Spaym pgry osi P jmklzxpv sa hzrdi.
          Dzm mhh'o yneatfml gz wfrnykd h zzakzsr A plfo. Jn dfeloy sjqq gfdksvh tkt tfy'l whez id djwl. Cvlmu hk'x umca nca rktyw mhlyo H'mj mwou xzwkk. Izf'd aynp lp yzfqby, dp'r dfow ym wzhs.
          Inrzd abznd sjywkab ha, z cnwsm zet. Es nfd ky ildcgk N lkcbgzz H'u itwn. Uir E'uv spnoy jgwxvi nmdl, C'qa mvapj llyi ogp. Gfl S zqzwq inrzd abzj H ttfdn hfhkrk kwq.
          Kjljor kmp zyycukm, tfy'l ivo nad? Zy'd fya chlnjxttvl, C xwmete tosczrd— Jtxwyuy vo ngjy sxk edjc rx jge dyma sf rp, vousdjf kmp urhhxar fk mwsua andv.


Two Ciphers, figure it out.


aeaaa aeaee eaaae aeeae eaaaa eaaaa eaeea eaeaa aaeee aaaaa eaaea eaeaa aaeee aaeaa aeeaa eaaea aaeee aaeaa aaeae eaaee eaaee aeaae eaeaa aaaaa eaaae eaaea aaeee aeaaa eaaae aeaaa aeeaa eaaee aaeaa aeeaa eaaea aaeaa aaaee eaaea eaeaa aaeaa aeeaa eaaea eaeea eaaea aaeee aeaaa eaaaa eaaea aaeaa aaeaa aeeaa aeeae eaaaa eaaae aeeae aeaee aaeaa eaaea aaeee aeaaa aeeaa aaeea 
          aaaae aaaaa aaaea aeeae aeeaa aaaea aeaaa aeeea aaeee aaeaa eaaaa


L olnh jluov lq uhg. (Dqg erbv lq rudqjh, Qrq-ev lq bhoorz, Jhqghuioxlgv lq juhhq, wudqv lq eoxh, dqg lqwhuvha lq sxusoh.)


Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
          Behavioral: aggression, excitability, fidgeting, hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability, lack of restraint, or persistent repetition of words or actions
          Cognitive: absent-mindedness, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, problem paying attention, or short attention span
          Mood: anger, anxiety, boredom, excitement, or mood swings
          Also common: depression or learning disability
          Psychological: fear, depression, or severe anxiety
          Mood: apprehension or panic attack
          (type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed)
          Schizoaffective Disorder
          Cognitive: belief that an ordinary event has special and personal meaning, delusion, thought disorder, racing thoughts, thoughts of suicide, or false belief of superiority
          Mood: anxiety, euphoria, hopelessness, limited range of emotions, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, or mood swings
          Psychological: depression, hallucination, paranoia, psychosis, hearing voices, or grandiosity
          Behavioral: social isolation, impulsivity, restlessness, self-harm, or sudden increases in energy
          Also common: appetite changes or rapid and frenzied speaking
          I think that's it. @aidingtime313 , now do your thing!


Damn, I'm on a roll today..!
          Dysthymia (Persistent depressive disorder)
          Mood: sadness, anger, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest
          Whole body: excessive hunger, fatigue, or loss of appetite
          Sleep: excess sleepiness or insomnia
          Cognitive: lack of concentration or slowness in activity
          Also common: indecisiveness, irritability, or low self-esteem
          Bipolar 2
          Mood: mood swings, anxiety, deep sadness, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities
          Behavioral: compulsive behavior, impulsivity, irritability, restlessness, or self-harm
          Cognitive: lack of concentration, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide
          Sleep: excess sleepiness or insomnia
          Psychological: depression or grandiosity
          Also common: rapid and frenzied speaking
          Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
          Behavioral: antisocial behavior, compulsive behavior, hostility, impulsivity, irritability, risk taking behaviors, self-destructive behavior, self-harm, social isolation, or lack of restraint
          Mood: anger, anxiety, general discontent, guilt, loneliness, mood swings, or sadness
          Psychological: depression, distorted self-image, grandiosity, or narcissism
          Also common: thoughts of suicide
          Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
          Pain areas: in the back
          Whole body: fatigue, lightheadedness, or sweating
          Behavioral: hypervigilance, irritability, or restlessness
          Cognitive: lack of concentration or unwanted thoughts
          Psychological: severe anxiety or fear
          Also common: emotional distress, excessive worry, difficulty falling asleep, headache, nausea, palpitations, repeatedly going over thoughts, or trembling
          Part Two Coming Soon


Ooh, I found a bunch of good ones..!
          Clinical Depression
          Mood: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness
          Behavioral: agitation, excessive crying, irritability, restlessness, or social isolation
          Sleep: early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep
          Whole body: excessive hunger, fatigue, or loss of appetite
          Cognitive: lack of concentration, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide
          Weight: weight gain or weight loss
          Also common: poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts
          Bipolar (Manic) Depression
          Mood: mood swings, sadness, elevated mood, anger, anxiety, apathy, apprehension, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities
          Behavioral: irritability, risk taking behaviors, disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, crying, excess desire for sex, hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, or self-harm
          Cognitive: unwanted thoughts, delusion, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, or false belief of superiority
          Psychological: depression, manic episode, agitated depression, or paranoia
          Weight: weight gain or weight loss
          Sleep: difficulty falling asleep or excess sleepiness
          Also common: fatigue or rapid and frenzied speaking
          Anxiety Disorder
          Behavioral: hypervigilance, irritability, or restlessness
          Cognitive: lack of concentration, racing thoughts, or unwanted thoughts
          Whole body: fatigue or sweating
          Also common: anxiety, excessive worry, fear, feeling of impending doom, insomnia, nausea, palpitations, or trembling


@aidingtime313 Nooooooooooooooooooo, not at all!~


@aidingtime313 I found more!!
          Symptoms and Signs of PTSD
          Behavioral: agitation, irritability, hostility, hypervigilance, self-destructive behavior, or social isolation
          Psychological: flashback, fear, severe anxiety, or mistrust
          Mood: loss of interest or pleasure in activities, guilt, or loneliness
          Sleep: insomnia or nightmares
          Also common: emotional detachment or unwanted thoughts