✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 16 ✰
Hello all! It's been a minute so let's talk.
In all honesty, I want to have Volume I done by August. It's possible, but whether or not it happens is up to the heavens. Things are moving along at a good pace right now though so I think things are leaning more towards that outcome.
I'd been feeling a little lost on how to continue even though the entire thing is planned out, but I've settled it now. Starting back at the beginning again by rewriting Chapter 1 again, which I said I'd do once we finished the Prologue anyways. Since this revelation things have been going much faster.
Another thing of note is that there are 18 chapters instead of 12 now, which I hadn't expected to happen when I told you there were 12 in December. I'm expecting no more than 23 but that's only because some of them are incredibly long due to poor planning and need to be wrangled. Right this moment, V1 is around 110k, and I don't imagine it will be any longer than 150k. So, final stretch!
When we started this we thought it would just be edits, but it has turned into a full rewrite. Some of the old stuff is still there, but it's outnumbered by the new by a wide margin. Probably only about 15% of it will be original by the time you get to it. This is mostly a Hot Fuss problem though because it's the oldest. The plot is still the same though, don't worry.
Speaking of that, view counts for the old stuff has gone up since the post of the Prologue. While I love that you're enjoying it, I will once again remind any newcomers that we are embarrassed of the writing in most of it and straight up dislike some aspects of it. Not to say that you can't read it, just be aware that teenagers wrote it and give us some grace. We'd briefly considered taking them down but we know that some people really love them, and we love that, so we chose not to for posterity.
I've run out of characters for this message, so see you next month! We loooove you :)
- thesunisgone