
(I posted this on our tumblr a week ago, thought id say it here too)
          	So, between the day that we decided to give this fic another go and the day that the last chapter was posted in January, about a year and a half had passed. In that period of time, about a third (maybe even half) of it was spent:
          	a) thinking that we weren’t going to start over
          	b) me deciding to write 50k of volume iii for some reason
          	c) planning and writing the prologue 
          	d) deciding that we ARE starting over and planning accordingly
          	my point is that volume ii wont take a year and a half because we are all sams town all the way. most of the planning is already done and the thing just needs to be written. Well, what’s taking so long?
          	Writing takes a deceptively long time and it’s not a consistent thing. On my best days I can write 6k in a day and at my worst, it takes me a month to write even less than that. Add work and family and other social responsibilities and hobbies on top of that and... I think you get the point. So! I want to be able to give you a date or even a general idea, but I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up about anything. i HOPE by the end of the year because the first half of this is real winter vibes and i think that would be cool. And i also just really miss posting! But i dont know if that will happen. You know how fanfic authors disappear for a month and then it turns out they’d been hit by a truck (crossing my fingers that won’t happen!)
          	Speaking of fic authors--ive been one for ten years now, which is crazy. ive probably written about 500k of various things by now, and this will always be the one that means the most to me. I’m so happy that I get to share this (weird, obscure, disrespectful?) fic with you and I love to talk to you about it. all of your messages keep me going, even if there’s only one a month from a pool of what i think might be only three or four people.
          	anyway. Volume II coming soon. In a sort of, TK spring 2023 EP sort of way. If you catch my drift.


this message may be offensive
our tumblr is if you didnt know it !! if you ever wanna chat about literally anything, send a message there and ill get to it in usually under a week (due to tumblrs shit notification system)


hey!! ao3 is lowkey confusing me so i wasn't sure if vol. II is already out? Im almost done with Hot Fuss and i love you guys work!


@nevermind-funny we aren’t sure yet but we recently posted an update and sneak peek on tumblr!


@thesunisgone tysm! do you know when vol ii is gonna come out yet?


(I posted this on our tumblr a week ago, thought id say it here too)
          So, between the day that we decided to give this fic another go and the day that the last chapter was posted in January, about a year and a half had passed. In that period of time, about a third (maybe even half) of it was spent:
          a) thinking that we weren’t going to start over
          b) me deciding to write 50k of volume iii for some reason
          c) planning and writing the prologue 
          d) deciding that we ARE starting over and planning accordingly
          my point is that volume ii wont take a year and a half because we are all sams town all the way. most of the planning is already done and the thing just needs to be written. Well, what’s taking so long?
          Writing takes a deceptively long time and it’s not a consistent thing. On my best days I can write 6k in a day and at my worst, it takes me a month to write even less than that. Add work and family and other social responsibilities and hobbies on top of that and... I think you get the point. So! I want to be able to give you a date or even a general idea, but I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up about anything. i HOPE by the end of the year because the first half of this is real winter vibes and i think that would be cool. And i also just really miss posting! But i dont know if that will happen. You know how fanfic authors disappear for a month and then it turns out they’d been hit by a truck (crossing my fingers that won’t happen!)
          Speaking of fic authors--ive been one for ten years now, which is crazy. ive probably written about 500k of various things by now, and this will always be the one that means the most to me. I’m so happy that I get to share this (weird, obscure, disrespectful?) fic with you and I love to talk to you about it. all of your messages keep me going, even if there’s only one a month from a pool of what i think might be only three or four people.
          anyway. Volume II coming soon. In a sort of, TK spring 2023 EP sort of way. If you catch my drift.


this message may be offensive
our tumblr is if you didnt know it !! if you ever wanna chat about literally anything, send a message there and ill get to it in usually under a week (due to tumblrs shit notification system)


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 20 ✰
          I thought I'd do a little post here to commemorate finishing the remaster of Hot Fuss. I don't know that I fully expected us to make it this far when we started this thing back up again 1.5 years ago, but here we are, 200k+ later.
          Myself and my co-author are going to be taking a break to focus on real-world things until the summer, and then we will be starting the planning for Sam's Town. When we started work on Hot Fuss, we were intending to only add a few extra things, but now it's basically all brand new. For Sam's Town, we will be starting from scratch, though the story will still be the same. 
          We'll post updates every now and then but do not be shocked if you don't hear from us until June. 
          Thank you so very much to everyone who read it, old fans or new ones. We couldn't do it without you. 
          (We have a tumblr! I'm still working on it currently but follow us there for updates and other fun stuff, I guess


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 19 ✰
          Hey all! Long time no speak. Let's take a minute to talk. 
          Like I said all the way back in JUNE (wow that was so long ago), while we're actively posting, updates here on Wattpad are gonna be sporadic. Any sort of comments I have are always in the notes of that week's chapter on ao3. I'm gonna update you on a little development I've been talking about there since, if you are one in the minority and only use Wattpad, you'll be unaware of it. 
          We're taking a week off next week and will be back with chapter 12 on Sep 9. This is because we have set up Vol I to be like a three-act structure, and chapter 11 was the end of act one! So we'll be back with the second one then. After that, it'll be another 11 chapters, a week off, and then the final six. 
          We both love you all so dearly and have been having so much fun posting again for you :) It's so beautiful to know that even after all these years, you're still there. Thank you for waiting, hopefully, it's been worth it for you. 
          See you on Sep 9 with Chapter 12 - Let's Take It Slow :)
          - thesunisgone


Brilliant - Can’t wait for 9th Sept. Hope you’ve had a chance to see them live this tour? ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 18 ✰
          Well, the deed has been done. Chapter 1 of Hot Fuss has been posted both here and on AO3, so read where you please.
          We won't post every Saturday when we update like we did last time, but so long as you're following this account or subscribed on AO3, you should get an email when a new chapter is posted. Or you could just remember to come back on Saturdays. Whatever floats your boat.
          Hot Fuss is not currently completely finished, but we have decided to go ahead and let you have it. Like previously mentioned, we have the first half completed so there WILL be an update every week for 11 weeks until then. After that we will take a short break to finish whatever we need to and then we will resume. The length of that break will depend on how much we get done between now and then, but we won't leave you hanging.
          Then we get to work on Volume II. Hooray :)
          As it was last time, there is an Index that will update on AO3 like it did with the prologue, though this time there may not always be an update. I can tell you now there won't be another one until chapter 5 probably.
          In case you haven't noticed, there is a Richard Siken poem at the beginning of each Volume. They're already all picked out. Literally, we have them planned up to Volume 9.
          As usual, here is the AO3 link. Should anything arise that will delay a chapter, we'll let you know here. But I doubt that will happen.
          Enjoy :)
          - thesunisgone


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 17 ✰
          Hello all! It's not quite been a month but there has been an exciting development :)
          For a couple reasons, we have decided to go ahead and start posting the remastered version of Volume I. The plan is to post the first half weekly, take a (hopefully) short break, and then post the second half. We thought this would be agreeable to everyone considering the first half is 11 chapters and approx 60k, so that's plenty for you to enjoy over the summer. 
          This week we'll be looking it over to ensure it's ready to start posting on Saturday (June 18). Make sure you follow us here or subscribe on AO3 ( so you don't miss it :)
          Finally we would like to thank all of you for sticking with us for so long. The recent resurgence in viewers may or may not have anything to do with this.
          See you this weekend ;)
          - thesunisgone


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 16 ✰
          Hello all! It's been a minute so let's talk.
          In all honesty, I want to have Volume I done by August. It's possible, but whether or not it happens is up to the heavens. Things are moving along at a good pace right now though so I think things are leaning more towards that outcome.
          I'd been feeling a little lost on how to continue even though the entire thing is planned out, but I've settled it now. Starting back at the beginning again by rewriting Chapter 1 again, which I said I'd do once we finished the Prologue anyways. Since this revelation things have been going much faster. 
          Another thing of note is that there are 18 chapters instead of 12 now, which I hadn't expected to happen when I told you there were 12 in December. I'm expecting no more than 23 but that's only because some of them are incredibly long due to poor planning and need to be wrangled. Right this moment, V1 is around 110k, and I don't imagine it will be any longer than 150k. So, final stretch!
          When we started this we thought it would just be edits, but it has turned into a full rewrite. Some of the old stuff is still there, but it's outnumbered by the new by a wide margin. Probably only about 15% of it will be original by the time you get to it. This is mostly a Hot Fuss problem though because it's the oldest. The plot is still the same though, don't worry.
          Speaking of that, view counts for the old stuff has gone up since the post of the Prologue. While I love that you're enjoying it, I will once again remind any newcomers that we are embarrassed of the writing in most of it and straight up dislike some aspects of it. Not to say that you can't read it, just be aware that teenagers wrote it and give us some grace. We'd briefly considered taking them down but we know that some people really love them, and we love that, so we chose not to for posterity. 
          I've run out of characters for this message, so see you next month! We loooove you :)
          - thesunisgone


Also, I can't believe there hasn't been a total word count update since November. It's 241k, if anyone wondered.


I can't believe I said we were 30% done in September. Honey, you got a big storm coming.


✰ Hopeless Haze Remastered Update 15 ✰
          Well, it's done! We hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear from you. For now, we're gonna crawl back into our hole and continue working on Volume I over the summer. Monthly updates will continue from now on.
          We loved writing this and can't wait to reveal what happens next :)
          The completed index:

          Love you!
          - thesunisgone