Hi I'm freaking out about this operation I really need some one to talk to! I'm scared that ill have to go in a wheel chair and never dance again help I need advice!! Please
HEYBEVERYBODY!!! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY STORY, Does It End Like This? parts 1 & 2.... please? I need as many votes as I can for the 1D fanfiction awards...
@JadeKlaver That's awaful:( I'm so sorry.. Never give up on your dream! No matter what! I refuse to give up on my dream.. No matter the obstacles or what people say...
Hey I just found out terrible news and you said I called talk to you so any way I just found out I'm having anoughter operation and its horrible because I'm a dancer and i won't be allowed to dance for six weeks and its horrible I basecly deadicate my life to dancing!!!
I am @theswagmasta1D ..... My old account is being retarded and messed up my email adress and won't let me in anymore! :(
I am so sorry for the inconvenience, but this is really me!