hey guys. it's been a while.
I've been so busy it's not even funny.
it's also not even funny that I haven't updated or been active in the past 2-3 months.
I'm really truly and genuinely sorry for that. I never intended to leave this site. it was one the first sites that made a positive impact on my life. honestly, I wish I would've been on here more, but with two honors courses and swim practice for two hours everyday after school, I never had the time to do anything. sometimes I wouldn't be able to even have any free time at all.
but I have a surprise for yall.
I plan on finishing ordinary.
now, I don't know if I'll make a bunch of chapters or just one, but I plan on updating it in the next week or so. don't ask me when, it's whenever it's convenient.
but I swear I'll actually do it this time.
my guilt has overcome me
now I don't know if after I finish ordinary if I'll stay on this site, but I'll check in occasionally.
thank you if you remained loyal throughout this whole writing block phase. and also if you read that whole thing lolol
but see you soon guys.
it's finally gonna happen.
I'm so sorry guys. I never meant for this to happen.