Hi!! Just wanted to apologise for being MIA for the past two months and thank you for all the lovely comments and votes on Miss Swahbuckler while I've been away❤ I'm so sorry for not updating and not keeping up with all the read for reads, this is the first time I've logged onto wattpad in a while and I feel really bad for not replying to anyone omg :( I've recently undergone some major life changes and schoolwork has been c r a z y. Unfortunately this means I won't be able to update anytime soon, which sucks bcz I was really excited abt where Miss Swashbuckler was going. Planning to start writing again once June holidays roll around tho!! So anyway, hope you understand if I haven't been replying to your messages or comments, truly am sorry, but i appreciate them so so much ❤❤ thankyou loves!!