
Hello everyone. As you know I use Michelle Trachtenberg a lot as a character in my stories as I’ve been a fan of her since I was a kid. She passed away today and I’m absolutely heartbroken. Please remember to tell your loved ones you love them. I’d like to memorialize my books I have with her so please, if you read them, remember her forever. 


Hello everyone. As you know I use Michelle Trachtenberg a lot as a character in my stories as I’ve been a fan of her since I was a kid. She passed away today and I’m absolutely heartbroken. Please remember to tell your loved ones you love them. I’d like to memorialize my books I have with her so please, if you read them, remember her forever. 


hi lovelies.
          unfortunately he did pass away this morning and my day has been more than difficult.
          i’m sorry to tell you all that there might be a longer duration for the wait of new chapters.
          thank you for your understanding,


Sending you a ton of love❤️


          reply to this with  if you read it!
          …and the bearer of bad news is back
          hi. so my grandfather is unfortunately about to pass away so i’ve spent my week with him at his house. he’s asleep now and he won’t wake up, he’s just going to pass that way. 
          i’m sorry to tell you that there may be a while before a new chapter with now the addition of this tragedy in my life along with the other rough aspects i’ve previously shared.
          thank you for your love and support through this difficult time,


@MollysGetawayCar thank you so much  i’m always here for you as well and anyone for that matter. it doesn’t matter how far of a stranger you are 


I don’t know you but I’m hear if you ever need to talk. I recently lost my grandmother and I know what it’s like. Take as long as you need❤️ my inbox is always open


hi lovelies! please read!!
          i just started a new medication and it’s been making me super super drowsy at night because i take it a few hours before i go to bed. usually i write my chapters at night before i go to bed because it’s the only time i can really do it and have it be my best work with full thought and attention. unfortunately it’s been difficult and i’ve tried the last two nights to write and im just way too tired. hopefully within a couple of days the new side effect will wear off and i wont be like falling asleep haha. my eyelids are like drooping as i type right now. 
          remember im off like almost all of this week so ill have lots of time to write!
          thank you and im very sorry,


hi my loves!
          expect more updates over the next week. school is scarce for the upcoming week so here’s a look what my schedule and when i’ll be writing:
          WEEKEND NOW!
          monday: school
          tuesday: no school
          wednesday: school
          thursday: no school 
          friday: no school 
          also, thank you for 2k reads and all of the love! i have a moodboard, pinterest board, and notes app for the story but still love to hear your suggestions! take care of yourselves and remember you are loved dearly.
          warm hugs,


dear readers! fortunately, there will be no new chapter/s tonight because I really need to catch up on sleep, i've had terrible insomnia lately. I'll probably most likely be back to writing tomorrow though.
          God bless you all and sweet dreams,