
hey id if your still online here or not but if youve messaged me on insta and i havent responded its not cause im ignoring you- ive legit been grounded since august


I think it was a girl named Ava or something cause on the page before the letters it said someone named Ava or Ada or something had burned them so Jude couldnt see them


omg thats beautiful- I hope he was talking to Nicasia. I saw a few pages from the book that are like letters and im hyped


@_Queen-Fireheart_  aww I wish they would let you buy books,,I havent read QON yet either though because I'm too anxious about how its gonna end BUT I saw a spoiler that isnt really a spoiler but Cardan was telling a girl to get out of his room cause Jude is his wife and I was just aww


Thanks for the follow love


Dang, i dont think anyone at my schools been taken away in cuffs from the school.... Though people have been known to get expelled for stupid things, a group of freshman spoked weed or vaped or something in a bathroom near my biology class once but thats about as exciting as my schools gotten


@_Leah_Hall_  nah my school itself has like 4 and my brother's school has 2-3
            Its hella weird but they chill with the kids...one girl had to be brought to the office in handcuffs it was crazy


Whoever called you Finn The Human is a glorious person lol, I love that show. Weird that your school has security guards, mine just has an officer for our school district that just kinda randomly appears and leaves as he pleases 